Port Orange Christian

Port Orange Christian Church
Port Orange Christian Church
Status: Active

After around three years online, Port Orange Christian Church was ready for an update to the site which Derevo Design created for them previously. After much discussion and pondering, it was decided that the new site should be created from the ground-up in order to satisfy the growing organization and its growing list of multimedia requirements.

The first development decision was to focus on a lighter color palette, POCC's two accent colors of green and orange remained, but the main color scheme of the site became much lighter than the previous. The second development decision was to integrate a new platform: Drupal. The third development decision was to strive and create a content structure and workflow that was both flexible and easy to understand.

POCC's new content workflow is as easy as pie, including automatic image sizing, Vimeo/YouTube integration, WYSIWYG text editing, simple file management, and the ability to interlink content and create a reading-flow for the user.

All of the staff's personal blogs were imported to the new site and everyone now uses the site as a multi-user blog plaftorm.

An "events" system was made in order to allow POCC to keep their users updated with current happenings. Events are able to be given a repeating schedule, making things like weekly meetings easy to author. Events are also able to be easily connected to any other content, creating an easy way for events to be seen in multiple relevant areas of the site.

portorangechristian.org is live right now and is still under active development.

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